Thursday, January 3, 2008


Since "release" is my Angel card for the year, it makes sense to bring it into my daily life.

Money is just energy. Granted, it's energy we put a lot of effort into creating, but nonetheless, it's energy. My tendency regarding energy is to hoard it because I am afraid I won't get anymore, or at least, I won't get anymore soon without work, struggle, and having to ask for it from someone else (taking away THEIR energy).

Since this year is about releasing, I realize that it's not just about releasing patterns, but for me, it's also about releasing energy into the Universe. Energy like time, money/abundance, gratitude, forgiveness. I hold on to everything to make sure I am doing everything perfectly right and then of course, I can't ever really do everything perfectly, so I don't let go/release very easily. I can let go even though it may not be perfect. Ha ha!

So I'm going to work on releasing, not just excess, but energy. I hope to get to a point where excess doesn't come in just so I can hold on it, but my entire container of abundance increases because I let more go. I DO have a lot more to let go of!

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