Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why I Practice Reiki

When I first experienced energetic healing (consciously), I had no idea what it was. All I knew was that it felt great. I was on the massage table and my massage therapist simply put her hands on the front side of my body and the underside of my body in various positions. I loved it! She didn't tell me what it was exactly, she had it done to her and just started doing it with her clients. The laying on of hands was really powerful for me. After that moment, I found a therapist who practiced Reiki. I still didn't really know enough, except for the fact that I felt good. But I asked to have energy work one day during a session. It was awesome!

It felt like I was swinging in a hammock, very rhythmically relaxing. So I started to learn about what Reiki was and what it does for me. The more I saw my therapist do, the more I wanted to see how I could do it for myself and others. I had already had some experience with the laying on of hands for other people (just like my massage therapist) and I wanted more technical understanding to see if I could direct it or affect it myself.

After several years (3 or so), I decided that I'd like to get attuned to Reiki. There were some intense programs out there, but I was simply interested in starting small. After the attunement (which is like an intense meditation, guided by a Reiki Master), I set out to practice Reiki on anyone who wanted me to. At first, I just did what I had been doing before, simply laying my hands on specific areas to relieve headaches, cramps, bring relaxation, etc. But as I increased my flow out, I opened up to more flow from the Universe. With Reiki I don't use my own energy, I channel it from the Universe. But I do have to allow it into my energy system, and the more I practiced, the easier it became.

I had, at this point, already discovered my ability to be clairvoyant, seeing energy. I didn't know it, but I was also clairaudient as well. I can hear specific people, and specific messages from guides, and I am allowing more and more audience as I increase my flow.

My experience working with clients has been amazing. Some people respond physically, others emotionally. Sometimes a client's guide will come in to a session and co-create with me. It's hard to even write about, it's so awesome.

So I practice Reiki because I am so drawn to it. I feel great when I receive it, I feel great when I practice it. It's COMPLETELY non-invasive, can be done over time and distance, and it's a magnificent way to connect to the Source. I love it.

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