Friday, February 15, 2008

Reiki in My Life

So I know that this is a very low advertised blog, which is okay, but I think I might change it to something else. While I like blogging about Reiki, it seems weird to blog about something that is actually quite subjective and also, kinda private when it comes to clients or even myself.
But I digress.

I'm reading a book called "The Joy Diet" which is really interesting. I've been reading LOTS of self-help books because when I wait for the bus or have time to kill, it's nice to spend it uplifting myself, rather than harping on the dirty bus stop, the folks who smell like pee, etc. Now I can simply observe the pee smell, and move along to bettering my life. This book talks about several things you can do each day (The Joy Diet) to improve your life. But the author encourages you to practice each one for a week in succession. The first one, Nothing, is about doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes a day, for a week. You can't do anything until you've mastered doing nothing. I'm reading ahead, but she drills into you that in order for the next phases to be successful, we better be GOOD, if not GREAT, at doing nothing.

Today was my first day of Nothing. I lied in bed, fully awake, and just watched my thoughts ticker-tape by in my head. I didn't listen to music or "meditate". I just watched my thoughts. When I started to follow them, I gently brought myself back to the ticker-tape observation deck to resume simply watching them float by. There were many times when I wanted to LEAP out of bed to go and DO something, but I wanted to make sure that I stayed down for the whole 15. Luckily, I was down for 30 mins. This may be easier than I thought. :) But I have 6 more days before I MIGHT be ready for the next lesson. :)