Thursday, July 24, 2008


No, not yet. I'm implying that my Reiki practice is gestating. I've had a little break while our kitchen gets redone (hard to have clients walk through our "combat" zone of remodel). It's still pretty chaotic, as our kitchen is in our living room and our living room and dining room are one. I will be happy when I can go back to our separate rooms. :)

I've been thinking a lot about how I want to further my practice. What is the best way to increase Reiki in the world? While I love the one on one aspect of a private Reiki practice, I also really enjoy the teaching component and the group energy around attunements. Energy is so fun to explore that I would love to do more group stuff.

I am learning new stuff every day...less from books and more from experience. I'm wondering if it would be successful to have a group that simply has a chance to practice, hold space, and really explore chakra work. That would be fun. Hmm. Fun is a good thing for me to hold in my heart.

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